VVA Chapter Chaplains
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Should your chapter participate
in the VVA Chaplaincy Program?
Issues to Consider.
- Having a chapter chaplain gives the chapter a point of contact when ritual events need to be conducted, whether public services at Memorial Day and Veteran's Day, or more private events upon the death of a chapter member of veteran in the community.
- Having a chapter chaplain gives the chapter a point of contact for members' spiritual issues.
- It is not necessary for chaplains at the chapter level to be ordained clergy. Chapter chaplains can be lay people who show an aptitude for this role.
- Chaplains are not elected officers of the chapter. Once a chapter votes to enter, or continue, in the VVA Chaplaincy program, the chaplain is appointed by the chapter president.
- The chaplain should be someone who is fair, exhibits integrity, is associated with a faith community, and is able to conduct public ceremonies. Many people have one or more of these traits, but it may be difficult to find someone with all of them.
- The chaplain must exhibit a "chaplain" perspective rather than an "evangelist" perspective. That is to say, the chaplain must be concerned for ensuring that the spiritual needs of all chapter members are met in ways which are appropriate for the members themselves -- rather than promoting the chaplain's own personal viewpoint. For instance, if the chapter member has a question about the Jewish faith, and the chaplain is not Jewish, the chaplain's responsibility is to help connect the member with a rabbi or knowledgeable Jewish person -- rather than trying to make up a Jewish answer or giving a Christian answer instead. Some very sincere and devout members of one faith community may have problems helping members of other faith communities in this way.
- It is important for chapters not to just appoint a chaplain, but to take the steps consistent with VVA by laws of voting to participate in the chaplaincy program, appionting a chaplain, and registering the chaplain with the VVA National office. This will ensure that correspondence from the VVA National Office addressed to chapter chaplains is received.
Updated June 8, 2000
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Write to State Council Chaplain Jackson Day